How The Right Diet And Foods Help Reduce Stress At Work

Vartika Kashyap
5 min readJul 11, 2019


Stress is a common occurrence. When I asked my team about what affects their productivity the most in the workplace — STRESS was the most voted answer.

Now being stressed at work doesn’t always imply that we have got too much work to do. Sometimes, it’s just our little habits (obviously, the bad ones) that cause us to experience extreme stress and anxiety at work.

I don’t know about anyone else, but the team I have here at ProofHub is never stressed out because they’re “taking on too much”, “not having enough time”, or “having unnecessary conflicts”.

I know what you’re thinking — How can I be so sure about that? Well, I’m sure because I never let work-related-stuff become a drag for my team.

So what exactly is the problem here?

Why are 83 percent of American professionals stressed out at their jobs? Why are 1,000,000 employees missing work each day because of stress?

The answer is BAD FOOD HABITS.

Yes! You heard that right. I’m talking about those tasty double-patty cheeseburgers, those crispy french fries, and those heavenly desserts.

Food tames stress in numerous ways. Eating too much or consuming the wrong diet during a workday can seriously mess up your productivity. However, people often make the mistake of considering unhealthy foods as much more comforting than the healthy ones. They tend to binge on their cravings without realising how badly it affects their mind and body, especially at work.

How exactly do healthy foods reduce stress?

If your stress levels are rising rapidly and you have no clue how to beat it, you should start by looking into your everyday eating habits. And here’s what might help — a little insight into how the right diet can help reduce stress at work (and kind of food to eat).

1. A healthy diet gives you the energy to get through the day

It’s pretty obvious that if your brain and muscles run out of energy, you can’t be your best — not even at your favorite activities in the day. Foods like wholegrain bread and cereals, potato, rice, and some dairy are rich in carbohydrates. It’s the fuel that your body needs to keep your brain and muscles working smoothly all day long.

2. A healthy diet helps you feel better — good food, good mood

There has been plenty of evidence that suggests a close relationship between your diet and your mood. Just like the research that showed how a diet with a high glycemic load, such as those found in soft drinks, cakes, white bread, and biscuits, may cause increased symptoms of depression and fatigue. Food, especially vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grains, have a lower glycemic load that can make you feel better in yourself. In addition to improving your overall mood, good diet and food also enhances your skin color and make you look more attractive.

3. A healthy diet boasts a good memory

Did you know that a healthy diet can help prevent dementia and cognitive decline? Well, a study sure suggests that there are foods that may protect you against such adverse effects. The study found that foods that are rich in vitamin D, C, and E, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, and polyphenols (among other nutrients) can boost good memory. Do you know what that means? That means you won’t be forgetting your important work related stuff again.

4. A healthy diet helps to get a good night’s sleep

A human body has its own limits. Your mind can’t focus on multiple things at once. Similarly, your body can’t work 7 to 8 hours in the daylight if it doesn’t get a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. As you may already know that there are a variety of factors that can disrupt your daily productivity at work — including your sleep patterns. That means in order to be more productive at work, you need to ensure restful sleep. And a healthy routine and good foods can surely help you with that. Try to lower the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and replace it all with a healthy diet.

What to eat to reduce stress and get more done at work?

A healthy diet includes a variety of colors. Fruits, cereals, plant-based milk, leafy green vegetables, seeds, whole grains and starches, good fats, low-fat dairy products, and lean proteins (eggs, tofu, fish, and nuts) — your stress management diet can include a variety of colors and taste in it. That means you can reduce stress, get more work done, become insanely productive at work and still enjoy some great flavors.

Pro tip: Consider consulting a doctor or dietitian. Ask them to provide tips on what to eat (and what not to eat) while suffering stress and low productivity at work.

The science behind food and productivity is not at all complex — “Eat Right. Sleep Well. Stress Less.” It is you who has to make the choice. Do you want to keep on eating junk and let your life (personal and work) suck? Or you’re going to eat right and achieve great things in life? — What’s your pick?

Have a stress management secret to share? Well, you’ve got all our eyes and ears. Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Thank you for reading this, before you go

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Vartika Kashyap

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and