9 ways to organize your team and increase productivity

Vartika Kashyap
7 min readJun 20, 2024



Ever felt like your team is not reaching its full potential?

As a manager, you know your team is capable of so much more, but something seems to be holding them back.

There are missed deadlines, unclear responsibilities, and constant miscommunication. It’s frustrating, time-consuming, and eventually hinders productivity. Fortunately, with some extra effort, you can turn this around.

In this article, we’ll explore effective ways to organize your teams for maximum productivity. This will help you create a more efficient, harmonious, and productive work environment.

Understanding your team’s needs

To organize your teams, you first need to understand their needs. This means getting a good grasp on their skill sets and expertise. Also, recognize their individual strengths and weaknesses.

  • Skillsets and expertise

You can start by assessing your team members’ technical skills, soft skills, and overall experience. If you know who excels at what, you can assign the right tasks to the right people. This will ensure everyone can contribute effectively.

  • Personality traits and work styles

Every person on your team has a unique personality and preferred way of working. Some may be introverts who prefer quiet, independent work, while others may be extroverts who thrive in collaborative settings. Explore individual preferences for communication and collaboration. These traits will help you create a balanced team where everyone feels comfortable and productive.

Plus, consider the different working styles within your team. Some people work best independently, while others shine when working in groups. This acknowledgement allows you to set up teams where members can perform at their best, whether they’re more team-oriented or prefer to work solo.

  • Project requirements and goals

When organizing your teams, think about the specific needs of the project at hand. Align your team composition with these requirements. This means matching the right skill sets to the tasks that need to be accomplished. By doing so, you ensure that your project runs smoothly and efficiently.

How to organize your team and increase productivity

Organizing a team effectively and increasing productivity involves a multifaceted approach. Here are nine ways to help you:

1. Set clear goals and expectations

When you set clear and SMART goals for your team, it helps your team members understand what they are working towards. Goals also let your team know how they contribute to the common objective of organization. This makes your team more organized and focused, which in turn boosts productivity.

“The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.” James Cash Penney

Without clear goals, things can get pretty messy. Your team members may not know what they’re supposed to be doing. This leads to disorganization and a lot of time and effort goes to waste.

2. Foster open communication

Effective communication keeps your team organized and boosts productivity. It allows you to create a positive work environment for everyone to talk to each other, including you!

When your team can easily communicate with each other and with you, ideas flow freely, problems get solved quicker, and progress happens at a faster pace. Plus, when you regularly update each other on how things are going, your team members know where they’re headed and how far they’ve come.

Companies with effective communication are 50% more likely to have lower employee turnover rates.

So, by keeping communication channels wide open, you’re building a stronger, happier team.

3. Utilize the right tools

By using the right tools, you can organize your team and boost their productivity. Imagine you’re working on a project with your team, and everyone’s using different apps and tools.

It’s a mess, right? Information gets scattered all over the place, and important details are lost.

However, by reducing the number of apps and tools, you can simplify workflows and eliminate information silos. You can use a tool like ProofHub.

ProofHub is a project management and team collaboration tool that brings all your projects, teams and communication together — all in one place. You don’t have to dig through emails or search through different apps anymore to find what you need.

With ProofHub’s communication features, you can easily chat with your team, share files, and schedule meetings. Additionally, cloud storage solutions keep all your important documents secure and accessible from anywhere.

With the right tools, you and your team can complete tasks more efficiently. Plus, collaboration is seamless, and everyone stays on the same page.

Bring your team together, effortlessly plan tasks, organize files, and deliver projects on time — all within ProofHub. Start your 14-day free trial now!

4. Prioritize well-being

Happy employees are productive employees!

When you support your team in taking care of themselves, they bring their best to the table.

Let me ask you a simple question: when you’re running on empty, can you give your best?

No, right?

But when you’re well-rested, energized, and feeling good, you can tackle anything that comes your way. So, it’s totally okay to take those breaks, step away from your desks for a bit, and recharge.

Encourage your team members to build healthy habits into their daily routines. These can include getting enough sleep, eating well, a productive morning routine, and staying active.

Also, you need to promote work-life balance. You and your team don’t have to work all the time, especially if you are working remotely. Encourage your team to make time for the things they love outside of work. This can be anything, from spending time with family and friends, to pursuing hobbies to just chilling out

5. Invest in training

As a manager, it’s your responsibility to train your team members. This will level up their skills and keep them in the loop with all the latest trends in your industry.

When your team members are equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques, they become more efficient, more adaptable, and more confident in their roles.

According to a study, companies that invest in employee training enjoy 24% higher profit margins than those that don’t.

So, you need to provide plenty of opportunities for your team to grow. These trainings can include workshops on mastering new software, seminars on industry trends, or regular skill-building sessions.

6. Embrace diversity

Each team member brings their own unique experiences and viewpoints. This diversity lets you tackle challenges in fresh, unexpected ways.

But, how to bring diversity to your team?

You can start by casting a wide net when recruiting. Look beyond the usual suspects. You need to actively seek out candidates from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.

Also, encourage collaboration and open communication within your team. This will make sure everyone’s voice is heard and valued. Celebrate differences and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome to contribute their ideas.

7. Lead by example

“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it’s the only means.” — Albert Einstein

Your actions speak louder than words and your behavior sets the vibe for the whole team. So, show your team that you are organized and productive.

Whether it’s your desk, your schedule, or your inbox, make sure everything has its place. When your team sees you staying on top of things, they’ll be inspired to do the same.

Prioritize your tasks, set deadlines, and stick to them. Also, show them that you are dedicated to the team’s goals. When your team sees your passion, they’ll be motivated to give it their all too.

8.Recognize and reward achievements

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

When you recognize and reward your team members for their achievements, it boosts their productivity and morale. You need to acknowledge and celebrate the wins, whether they are big or small, to keep the momentum strong.

Make sure everyone feels appreciated and valued for their hard work. When someone on your team hits a milestone, whether it’s finishing a project ahead of schedule, coming up with a brilliant idea, or simply going above and beyond, take a moment to give them a shout-out. It could be a public acknowledgment in a team meeting, a handwritten note, or even a small token of appreciation like a gift card or a team lunch.

You also need to celebrate team accomplishments. When your team reaches a goal or completes a project successfully, take the time to recognize their collective effort. This boosts morale and fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

Make company-wide announcements and recognize your employees for a job well done. Try ProofHub for free!

9. Regularly evaluate and adapt

Schedule regular meetings with your team members at regular intervals. Look back on what you’ve achieved and where you’re headed. Ask for feedback from everyone.

What’s working well? What could be better?

Take notes and really listen to what your team has to say. Once you’ve got that feedback, adjust your strategies and processes based on what you’ve learned. Find a better way to delegate tasks, or tweak your communication style. You need to stay flexible and open-minded.

The world is always changing, and so are your team dynamics. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. By staying adaptable, you’ll keep your team on the path to success.


In a nutshell, organizing a team is not just a one-time thing — it’s an ongoing process. Make sure everyone knows their role and how they fit into the organizational goals and objectives.

You need to keep the communication channels open, encourage feedback, and always be ready to adapt and improve. By investing in your team’s development and creating a culture of collaboration, you can position yourself and your team for success.

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Vartika Kashyap
Vartika Kashyap

Written by Vartika Kashyap

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and Business.com.

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