Looking for a Job Change? These 9 Interview Tips Will Quickly Help You Get Hired

Vartika Kashyap
6 min readMar 22, 2019

A lot is already said and written about how to go about a standard interview process: come early, dress sharp, don’t brag too much, and so on.

Job interviewing never seems to get easier. Something or the other always come in your way of landing your dream job. Whether you’re applying for the position of a Project Manager or senior UI/UX Designer, being mindful of certain tips can help you put your best foot forward.

9 Tips to Crack Your Next Interview

We are going to talk about how taking care of certain things can help you deal with the interview blues effectively. Here are some tips that can make the interview process less stressful and yield a successful interviewing experience.

Before the interview

1. Do your homework in advance

A well-prepared interviewee is a delight for an interviewer. One of the first things that can make or break your interview is the level of preparation you’ve done for that part.

Your chances of getting selected are automatically doubled when a candidate has done the research on the company’s background and his job role. It starts with the basics: what the business does, how it started, who is the CEO, biggest wins and losses in history.

Once you’ve figured it out, gather some knowledge about your potential role and how you’re going to add value to the business in overall.

2. Get to know your interviewer before the interview

Every interview is unique and so is the person who’s going to conduct it. It helps a big deal when you know whether the CEO is going to be interviewing you or team leader of a specific department.

For example, you shouldn’t be afraid to brag about all your big achievements when being interviewed by a CEO. Check out their LinkedIn profiles. Learn about their career history and how they moved up the ranks in the career.

Such professional information and personal anecdotes help you to develop a connection and even an opportunity to showcase your experience in the right context.

3. Give yourself a pep talk

It’s natural to feel the jitters before showing up for an interview. We all go through that, it’s okay. There’s a way to curb that anxiety. Every time you feel tensed before appearing for a new job opportunity, give yourself a pep talk.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What’s the best thing about this job opportunity?
  • Why am I the best person for this role?
  • What can I contribute to the company?

While answering the above questions, emphasize your qualities and highlight the skills that position you as the best candidate for that role.

4. Be prepared for difficult questions

Whether you go to a small company or a 500 Fortune company, you can’t escape the dreaded interview question: What is your biggest weakness? Or When was the last time you screwed up?

The intent behind these questions is to gauge the self-awareness of an individual. It’s also an effective way to see how the candidate reacts in uncomfortable situations.

Don’t say that you fail to meet deadlines. Say something like I find it hard to deliver under pressure or pressing deadlines. So, I use productivity or time management tools to stay on top of things and track time wisely.

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During the interview process

5. Be authentic

Interviewing is a two-way street. You get what you give. If you’ll carry a persona that doesn’t match with your true-self, you’re digging a pit for yourself. Sooner or later, the interviewer will catch that you’re faking.

Be yourself from the count go. If you’re hired for acting like someone else, you’ll be expected to act forever. No one’s going to like it when the mask would fall.

Say your truth when asked about your aspirations, strengths, weaknesses, five-year plan and salary expectations.

6. Smile

When it comes to smiling during interviews, you want to do it just right — neither too less nor too much. Keeping a straight face throughout the meeting might give them a wrong impression. Overdoing it can give them a wrong impression.

Keep it somewhere in between. Nod your head in agreement when you share the same opinion about something. It makes you more social, friendly, and approachable.


7. Finish strong

Now, this is your chance to set a strong long-lasting impression. The way you conclude an interview can provide you brownie points to get selected. Make sure you ask the right questions to know more about the company and your role.

If you have any doubts or reservations, this is the right time to get an explanation. You can ask about leave policies, extra perks, team bonding activities, future growth, productivity tools teams use, and anything relevant to your job responsibilities.

8. Thank the interviewer

Once you’re done with it, express your heartfelt thanks to the interviewer for arranging the meeting and discussing the job opportunity. While thanking him/her, say something like:

  • Thank you so much for taking time out from your busy schedule. It means a lot
  • Thank you for discussing this job opportunity
  • Thank you for being the nicest interviewer ever
  • Thank you for your time. I look forward to hear from you
  • I appreciate how kind you’ve been throughout this interview. Looking forward to working with you.

9. Send a follow-up email

Follow-up — the last and the most crucial step of the interview process that people often forget to do. It is advisable to follow up with a thank-you note. It is not just thoughtful but also important to reiterate your interest in the position.

You can use this opportunity to mention something you forgot to tell during the interview session. If your interview was taken by more than one person from the same organization, send them a thanking email or personal note individually. You can get their email address from the HR. Keep in mind to send your thank-you email within 24 hours. It shows your gratitude and encourages them to help you in the future.

Last few words

Now that you know the standard practices for job interviewing, kill your next interview. Here’s hoping you land your dream job soon.

All the best!



Vartika Kashyap

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and Business.com.